Exposing Yada Yada

Man talking on smartphone while pointing off in the distance

Outsmarting Yada Yada Exposing Yada Yada

Welcome to the first article in our series exposing wireless yada yada with tips on how to see through it and avoid it.

  • Metro Nada Yada Yada logo

    Taking a stand against yada yada Exposing Yada Yada

    Enter “Nada Yada Yada,” the kind of world you’ll find at Metro.

  • Metro Nada Yada Yada logo

    An open letter to Jason Alexander Exposing Yada Yada

    We set the record straight on what sets Metro apart.

Get started with Metro.


We keep it simple with no contracts and no credit checks. 

Family of four taking a selfie.


Get more bang for your buck with great deals on Metro service and 5G phones.

Mother and daughter looking at a tablet and smiling.


For all the yadas we take out, we pack Metro plans with perks and benefits.

Woman taking a funny selfie with her phone.